on break

Age 30, Male


In a volcano

Joined on 6/16/09

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FireWOLF109's News

Posted by FireWOLF109 - October 19th, 2010

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message 1: The site and forums might be down, so dont bother checking it once the team makes thier decision...

message 2: WHAT TIME IS IT?


message 4: My friend's got a girlfriend and she hates that b*tch
He tells me every day
He says "Man I gotta lose my chick in the worst kind of way...."

message 5: *plays Wild and Free*

message 7: What did you do to message 6????

message 8: LETS HAVE A PARTY!!!!

Posted by FireWOLF109 - October 18th, 2010

throughout the days, i've been given the same question (why did you make this), and this, i reply, "Look for the hidden message within the site, and then you will find the true reason why i made the site. This message isn't something you can find on ANY pm system, or on a puzzle... but its a message that you fine within yourself."

here is a hint about the message, it has nothing to do with trolling

Posted by FireWOLF109 - October 18th, 2010

well, esshole hasnt even made it to his FIRST paycheck and he already quit cause of the fact that i was his boss and that i didnt put him in charge of the site while i take a vacation. So i am opening his spot to anyone that proves themselves worhy of being an admin (plus that brat was already giving me a huge headache).

but you have to apply AFTER i get back from vacation.

Posted by FireWOLF109 - October 18th, 2010

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here is the band that will play at my party

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Posted by FireWOLF109 - October 15th, 2010

man, i won't be able to buy a mystery box OR any of the newgrounds stuff if i cant sell a thing on my site

Posted by FireWOLF109 - October 15th, 2010

How do i look like tom fulp? MAABY i would look like him if he dyed his hair some, but come on, i dont really see any similarities between our looks

Posted by FireWOLF109 - October 12th, 2010

On my site, there is a thread called Introduce yourself... and i got in a bit of an argument with m00t....

now i may not be THAT good with the internet, but doesn't anyone else think that i got in a fight that i cant win?

Cause if i win with m00t, i'd hurt Awsome's feelings (maybe), but if i Lose with m00t, then i won't end up hurting Awsome's feelings.

Posted by FireWOLF109 - October 11th, 2010

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oh, and tom, wade, if you check to see what happened to the imposters, i just want you to know that my text is the blue one...

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my site is more of a radio site now than a troll hunting site now thanks to all the songs xD...

now for the more serious stuff.... we are officially open to the troll and cyberbullies haters, so come on in!

these music videos should cheer your up and make you glad that we are doing what we do...

Posted by FireWOLF109 - October 10th, 2010

like what i said in wade's thread, poozy already started banning people while posting a joke/insult... Now all i need is for the rest of what i said to come true (which shouldn't take long). If poozy was a mod on my site, i would've been all over him whenever he misbehaves on the site (after all, i dont even make exceptions to my own friends)

Posted by FireWOLF109 - October 10th, 2010

I just recently woke up after blacking out of a few hours...