Look at that, zero stars for kindness or maturity. Just because you're butthurt about the fact that nobody likes you doesn't make this site mean or immature.
on break
Age 30, Male
In a volcano
Joined on 6/16/09
Look at that, zero stars for kindness or maturity. Just because you're butthurt about the fact that nobody likes you doesn't make this site mean or immature.
if you read the title, it says that the ratings ARENT complete, the kindness and maturity still need to be completed... so keep in mind that they ARENT 0's yet and that they are just empty until i get a user's opinion
Why did you delete my comment about you fighting trolls and all that bullshit?
because it had nothing to do with the current subject
The comment made by RuinedMartyr was in plain english, however I'm going to dumb it down for you.
"I don't like you, go fuck yourself with a rake."
thanks for the translation... i needed someone to make it sound SMARTER (and he needs to be more original, i've seen a kid in elementry that comes up with better insults)
I'm the Nerd, I'm awesome, and I will always be better than you. You can't deny my awesome. I could beat you at everything if I tried. I can even beat you at everything with out trying. I'm awesome. And because I'm awesome, I can do anything. Bow before me, pawn. I am you lord, master, king, ruler, and god. You shall listen to none but me, I control you, I'm the best. You are a minion, and nothing better.
way to bring downthe maturity level...