Dude... You're no super-fucking-hero. You don't have any extra sensory perception.
And really you aren't gonna get anywhere trying to convince others otherwise. You're troll bait at it's best. Have fun living a shit life internet and real.
on break
Age 30, Male
In a volcano
Joined on 6/16/09
Dude... You're no super-fucking-hero. You don't have any extra sensory perception.
And really you aren't gonna get anywhere trying to convince others otherwise. You're troll bait at it's best. Have fun living a shit life internet and real.
dude, its actually an adaption that the body makes... think of it as... (*sigh* how can i say it...) think of your body like a pc... and the sighns of a bad event are like a saved data on that pc, or you can think of it like an experience version of school, once you see the sighns of a bad event coming... you dont really forget it (in other words, you subcounciously remember it)...
lets say you are at a school and a teacher is litterally repeating a lesson over and over again. After a while of hearing and seeing the lesson, you start to remember it and once you forget it during a weekend... then you start to subconciously remembering it so that you will know what you learned for the rest of your life.... THATS what i ment by it... i just remembered the sighns of an incoming bad event
Please, it's 'signs'
Also, when you begin a new paragraph the first letter is capitalized
People like you who superimpose their own issues onto the site as a whole get us in more trouble than anything.
See despite what you obviously believe NG has a strong, thriving community that is closely knit together and has some very close relationships.
Just because you are an overall disliked user doesn't make flaming the norm.
actually, i ment it when i said that i actually saw sites being shut down cause of the trolling and flaming getting too far out of hand... and there are actually stuff that always shows that something bad will happen (ex. a couple of rusted metal supports or a rusted pipe)
I can't tell if you're really serious about all of this, or if you're a troll. The internet is FULL of trolls. Everywhere. The only way to stop them is to ignore them. Making anti-troll groups and anti-spam groups only fuels the fire and gives them what they want. They're trying to make you mad and they're winning.
And FYI, Twilight may be stupid as shit, but 10,000+ posts =/= an alt. He's a main account, not an alternate one.
well it depends on the person whether they are a troll or not... but due to how he acts, i agree with what you said about twilight
Twilight is Malachy.
There, happy?
that wont work.... cause it takes evidence for this kind of stuff
you're overreacting bro. chill out, it's just the internet lol
FireWOLF109 (Updated )
more of a natual sense... i've been around the wilderness AND technology for so long, i practicly got a new instinct which lets me sense when something bad is gonna happen (kinda like an alarm and spiderman's spider senses would)... you see, when you been around both for a certain amount of time, your senses develope this ability and basicly, it works by causeing a cramp-like feeling in your guts (in other words, it feels like your stomach is getting tied up in a not although it isnt...) before something happens, and that is when it is a good idea to think things over and the possible outcomes of an event. BUT, you shouldnt say that every time the feeling occurs that its the senses.... cause its just like a cramp or an empty stomach that isnt growling. And btw, the reason why both of them caused the sense to start occuring is because bad stuff always occur in both of them one way or another, and then your body adapts to it by adding an extra sense.