on break

Age 30, Male


In a volcano

Joined on 6/16/09

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Current ratings (not finished yet)

Posted by FireWOLF109 - March 10th, 2010

current website status: the mod that i interviewed was respectful, he said that the sites security is pretty much intense... poor judgement mods get fired and they try thier hardest to keep the site up and running, but it can be hard once you become a mod but the mod that i interviewed said that "it's a breeze when you get experience over the years". There are times though that users blame other users in order to keep themselves from getting banned but the mods in this site will check to see if they are telling the truth or not. The most common problem in the section that he told me are the spam threads which they take care of by deleting them. They also NEVER had a situation of a complaint that was severe which makes NEWGROUNDS a safer site. So when it comes to security and mod friendlyness (when you're on thier good side)... I give this site 5 out of 5 in security

For creativity, i give this site a FULL 5 out of 5. sure i've seen weaponry as an icon for the site... but what really won me over was how the site was runned, this site lets it's members make the videos like youtube does EXCEPT that the administrators let the viewers decide which flash gets aired. Another thing that won me over are the flash, games, the artwork, and the made-up songs because usually, websites only focus on one type of art and entertainment that can be aired. So if you want an original site, then come here because the WHOLE SITE is an original masterpiece!

oh, and once the ratings are COMPLETE, then i will post them on other sites and then we'll have to have fate decide the rest (and maby the school's newspaper)

Current ratings (not finished yet)


I'm the Nerd, I'm awesome, and I will always be better than you. You can't deny my awesome. I could beat you at everything if I tried. I can even beat you at everything with out trying. I'm awesome. And because I'm awesome, I can do anything. Bow before me, pawn. I am you lord, master, king, ruler, and god. You shall listen to none but me, I control you, I'm the best. You are a minion, and nothing better.

way to bring downthe maturity level...

Look at that, zero stars for kindness or maturity. Just because you're butthurt about the fact that nobody likes you doesn't make this site mean or immature.

if you read the title, it says that the ratings ARENT complete, the kindness and maturity still need to be completed... so keep in mind that they ARENT 0's yet and that they are just empty until i get a user's opinion

Why did you delete my comment about you fighting trolls and all that bullshit?

because it had nothing to do with the current subject

The comment made by RuinedMartyr was in plain english, however I'm going to dumb it down for you.

"I don't like you, go fuck yourself with a rake."

thanks for the translation... i needed someone to make it sound SMARTER (and he needs to be more original, i've seen a kid in elementry that comes up with better insults)