I am waiting for an admin (or atleast a mod thats near them) cause i have the solution for the no entertainment problem for robot day due to relatives that started a dj buisiness
on break
Age 30, Male
In a volcano
Joined on 6/16/09
Posted by FireWOLF109 - July 8th, 2010
I am waiting for an admin (or atleast a mod thats near them) cause i have the solution for the no entertainment problem for robot day due to relatives that started a dj buisiness
Posted by FireWOLF109 - July 7th, 2010
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As you're all aware, I had no "official" job, but there's something that you dont know, I was technicly employed as a farmer and I volentiered to help with a store's inventory. My family used to own a farm until the house got old enough to being near to the point of collapsing. Fortunatly, I still have relatives that own thier own farms so that we can get the food we need along with helping our relatives when they need it. So newgrounds, you thought that I have no work experience; well I just want you to know that I've been keeping the experience hidden from everyone (until now of course).
and btw, this ISN'T a picture of the farm that my family used to run, but it's the CLOSEST that I can get.(we left the farm before we knew about digital cameras)
Posted by FireWOLF109 - July 6th, 2010
After hearing what the site was that my family's friend was making, i decided to wait until i get a better opportunity for a better site thats close to what i wanted
Posted by FireWOLF109 - July 5th, 2010
i found a guide that should give me all the information that i need so that i can work as an admin of the site, if anyone wants the link, then i'll be glad to post it
Posted by FireWOLF109 - July 4th, 2010
One of the friends of the family is planning on making a site and he says that i can be an administrator of that site since i'm the son of his closest friend....
and the people here believe that people can be trained on the job
Posted by FireWOLF109 - June 24th, 2010
I just completed ALL 3 of the jigsaw puzzles that we have in 1 night... and not even my parents could finish the swan jigsaw which means that this is one of the days where my intelligence is increased by x10 (this is not the first time that this happened.... one time that this event occurred, I was able to solve a near impossible question that no one else in class could solve)
Posted by FireWOLF109 - June 20th, 2010
if anyone sees that i'm not doing anything, then it means that i'm eigher playing games, or a friend is over (mostly the friends being over)
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 27th, 2010
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guess which of these bands will play at my party
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 19th, 2010
I'm amazed at this, but i'm a faster healer than i thought, i should be in full health soon