on break

Age 30, Male


In a volcano

Joined on 6/16/09

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726 / 900
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FireWOLF109's News

Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 18th, 2010

i've got a common cold, so i'll be off atleast 10 days (this is day 2)

Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 15th, 2010

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before i get back to the fun times, i've been getting some questions and i decided to answer them...

Q: why didnt you listen to poozy and just yap?
A: i have two reasons, the first one is that there was no payment, and the second one is because of how he treats others

Q: did you seriously get the job on the site?
A: no, but i did find a site that will take me though.

Q: do you still trust the people that were involved in the prank?
A: no, i dont trust them at all mostly because they were messengers (see a previous blog for the reason why i dont trust messengers)

Q: can you yap like poozy wanted you to do?
A: yes, but i wont unless i get paid

Q: Why did you choose Firewolf109 as ur account name, are you a furry?
A: i didnt come up with it, i became friends with a person that had alot of power in an online game, but his gf hated me and kept banning me because i hanged out with him, so he came up with this account so that he could sneak me back in without the gf knowing. And no, i'm not a furry, or an alt cause i stuck with this name ever since, mostly because i cant come up with another name

Q: Are you going to invite Tom or Wade to ur party next year?
A: I'm planning to invite them, if i get the chance to.

Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 15th, 2010

i gotten a rare chance that my parents will be gone for most if not all day, so dont expect me to be online tomorrow

Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 14th, 2010

Poozy gave me a 7 day ban because i didnt act like the dog here

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no more Eyelovepoozy

Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 11th, 2010

what does this mean? Bevorzugte ArtZiehen

Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 10th, 2010

i just heard that toshiba is gonna help build nuclear power plants, and i'm skared of the outcome cause they can barley build a working laptop, so imagine of what would happen if they make nuclear power plants.... i hope that my family can afford a bomb shelter since they would be the safest spot while staying in the us

Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 10th, 2010

well, i'm bored... what else is there to know

Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 10th, 2010

anyone think i should tell my parents whether or not i should tell my parents that i keep going blind temporarorly?

Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 8th, 2010

through all of my terrible birthdays, i can already tell that my birthday next year will be AWSOME

Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 7th, 2010

unfortunetly, the flash trial isnt supported by my machine.... so its useless for me