i just found a site with a free flash survice via google, hopefully i'll be able to get the flash the wat that i wanted it to be
on break
Age 30, Male
In a volcano
Joined on 6/16/09
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 6th, 2010
i just found a site with a free flash survice via google, hopefully i'll be able to get the flash the wat that i wanted it to be
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 5th, 2010
i have an awsome flash idea, but unfortunetly, i dont have money for the flash developer
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 4th, 2010
i feel all round up while being smarter than i usually am (feel like i have an iq of 200)
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 3rd, 2010
the stuipid humitity in the area i live in is so high, i am getting drousy so dont bother trying to pm me today, chances are, i'll be asleep *yawns* good afternoon (goodnight version)
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 2nd, 2010
incase if newgrounds was wondering why i hate messengers is because one day at school, i was trying to get student council since almost everyone else was trying to get it. I told one of my closest friends what i was gonna say inorder to help get myself elected for it so that he can tell the whole school what i was gonna say cause i had stage fright at the time... Long story short, that lieing son of a b*** started telling random lies to students and telling them to tell everyone they knew.... to took me weeks to win back the friends that messenger turned against me, i lost alot of votes, and i never got student council cause of that one messenger!!!
so take my word for it, NEVER TRUST MESSENGERS
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 2nd, 2010
i actually combed my hair sallon efficient which i ONLY do on RARE/IMPORTANT events (ex: work, interview, reunion, b-day, and school picture) and SUSPECTED RARE/IMPORTANTevents. the reason why i decided to do this is because since i figured out that i can help manage the webite through the developer tool (which i'm still learning how to do), i think that i might be called to a job interview by tom for ATLEAST a PART TIME (since i bet that sites can also go part time). Me and my family also believe in training on the job (learning during the job) which is also a good thing cause it can actually save the site money, along with the fact that i can easily come up with marketing campaigns so that the site can get ALOT more users and money (and i dont care if i only get 5% of the profits). So tom and the rest of the admins, if u are reading this, then u would actually b saving and gaining more money if i end up as atleast a part time helper (and i dont know if i already said this, but btw, my family raised me to not take a no as an answer on something important, so if you get annoyed for trying again, DONT blame me, blame my parents for raising me to not take a no). Oh, and kevin, tramps, and luis, i might of ignored my parents advice if you just said no instead doing of a cruel joke, so its also partiually ur fault.
Please note that i'm also trying my best to learn how to use the developer tools through this site which is where i've been learning all that i currently know about the developer tool Developer Tools Tutorials, so if you dont think its enough and i'm still accepted, feel free to train me on the job...
i almost for got to mention that i MAY be abit nervous at the interview though, but i will try my hardest to make sure that i dont let you down and i will be as loyal as i possible can and treat you like a king(i will even beat myself senseless for you if you ask me to)
and incase if i havnt said this already, but i will try to do watever u ask me to do (even if i have to get along with TROLLS and SPAMMERS)
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 2nd, 2010
i found a tutoral section of a site that lets people test out thier new developer tools while learning from it (nothing from it actually is permament once its changed), so its a LEGAL area for everyone to test thier new tools... but i still need to learn from a pro cause i'm still new to it (in other words, i was wondering if anyone can tutor me some)heres the link to the site that lets you test out the developer tools
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 1st, 2010
i was wondering if anyone can teach me how to use the developer tools better cause i STILL have no clue what it does or what it is for... and i also have no clue what to do
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 1st, 2010
i already learned how to get programs to respond, i cant believed all i learned through a site... so far, all i know is how to edit text and get programs to respond again
Posted by FireWOLF109 - May 1st, 2010
i just learned how to change text on sites... its just too bad that it wont come in use since i dont help run a site or own a site.... anyone have a good use for it? and NO, i wont do anything illegal, so dont even bother suggesting anything thats illegal in ANY state cause i'll refuse it asap... but i'm still surprised of how much i've learned already.....